Our beloved dogs are more than just an accessory to our homes; they are a furry child, a welcomed family member, and a loyal friend that offers unconditional love. Where there really isn’t a any cons to owning a dog, the one thing that may be considered a downside is the shabby lawn that is the result of Fido’s natural bodily functions. However, the brown grass spots are not caused from the acid nature of dog waste, but actually the nitrogen levels that is dog’s waste as a byproduct of their high-protein diets. Small amounts of nitrogen levels are healthy for your lawns, but too much can kill it. But just because you enjoy the companionship and protection of your pup, doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice a lush, healthy, green lawn. We at Matt Myette Landscaping would like to offer some tips and advice on getting a beautiful lawn while still owning a dog.
How to Prevent, Neutralize & Fix Dog Urine Spots on Lawn
1) Train Your Dogs to Pee & Poop in One Area: Having a designated area where the dog goes to do their business is not unheard of; they can still enjoy the soft grass during play time. Constructing a non-grassy area where they expel their waste out of gravel, mulched, or artificial turf in the yard will definitely protect your turf and still look aesthetically pleasing. With a little time to train your dog to use that area, it is certainly possible to achieve your goal. Using constant positive reinforcement and praise, your dog will eventually learn the area they need to use when it’s time to go. You can even make the potty area more visually appealing to humans and more attractive to dogs by placing potted ferns or other vegetation tolerant of dog fluids in the area. This method is the one fool proof method available as it completely takes your dog’s waste off the lawn and it also makes cleanup a bit easier with the smaller section of your yard being the designated area.
2) Water Areas After Dogs Pee: If you let the dog go on the grass, watering the lawn, especially in the section where they just visited, will immediately help dilute the nitrogen. Simply running the hose for 10 seconds over the spot will dilute the nitrogen levels that kill the lawn.
3) Apply Less Fertilizer to Lawn: Another option if you let the pooch go on the lawn is to dress the lawn with less fertilizer to reduce the chances of brown spots; particularly the areas that your dog has a tendency to urinate on frequently. Fertilizer may contain enough nitrogen to kill the lawn in combination with the dog’s contribution. If fertilization is needed, just fertilize the lawn where it is free of dog urine.
4) Replace Lawn with Nitrogen Resistant Grass: Replacing your grass with the right kind can help prevent the brown spots from marring your turf. For example, lawns that have ryegrass are the most resistant to nitrogen due to the genetic makeup of the roots and Bermuda grass requires nitrogen to thrive but is very sensitive to the timing of getting fertilized.
Landscaping in Greater Morrisville, Stowe & Lamoille County, Vermont
With Matt Myette Landscaping, we can help maintain your lawn and offer more suggestions to keep your yard looking optimal even with your best friend frequently visiting it. Call us today to get started!